The grass is greener on the other side....'objection overuled'!
I am going to sue the ISP people! I wrote a whole article and the connection goes off. Anyways reconnected and back! Yeah,this one's about JAMming. Its great to see that JAM has caught on real well in college over the last two years. Its addictive I guess, for the JAMmers,audience and the JAM masters(especially with the JAM master's round). Anyway thoroughly enjoyed being the 'master' at the last four JAMs at college. This is a compilation of few of my favourite topics we had for JAM in the previous editions. So here they go.........
1. tan(theeta)/cos(theeta) is equal to bournvita (what a topic! my all time favourite!)
2. did bill clinton really paint the white house white?
3. hickery dickery dock,mom said no to rock.
4. to write with a blunt pencil is pointless.
5. a zip in the pant is better than two on the shirt.
6. will the real slim shady please stand up?
7. impotence:nature;s way of saying no hard feelings.
8. saddam was hiding behind the bush.
9. i am scared of britney spears.
And ofcourse the tongue twisters......
1. through three cheese trees, three free fleas flew.
2. blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke (that's a real knotty(!) one)
3. i wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish to wish the witch's wish,i won't wish the wish you wish to wish. (easy one though!)
Before signing off(scared of the net connection,dont want to lose anything I wrote this time), the JAM master's salutation.......
'O Great JAM master, great of greats,powerful and exalted,can I have the single honour,double
pleasure,triple satisfaction of objecting?'
JAMs always given loads of stuff to laugh on....the proverb rounds,sriram's humour in the last edition and shashank's TWT of hipopotamo....are the one which come to mind....
tata college JAMming! Now JAM will be about kissan and the traffic blocks at chennai.
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It's even more addictive when the JAMmaster is u...
a zip in the pant is better than two on the pant(ies):remember this one by ram..
hey jiju,
How about proceeding from JAMming in SVNIT to having BUN BUTTER JAM??:)Doesn't it sound 'delicious'??
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